Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rewrite already?

So as I was cleaning yesterday, I stumbled on the little brown notebook I used when I had my initial ideas for "The Beauty of Grace." I was shocked to see my first note dated 3/10/06. Has it really been three-and-a-half years? Interestingly (or not), the five main themes of the book stayed exactly as I'd envisioned them. The characters, however, did not. The main protagonist didn't change, but the names and personalities of all the others did. People have often asked me if I know the whole story when I begin to write. I've responded that each book is a living, breathing thing that evolves as I write. This became more apparent to me as I re-read my notes. They also reminded me of a few things I wanted to say in the book that I didn't.
So I'm already re-writing before I even see Sam's editing notes!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Here we go!

"The Beauty of Grace" is born! After many months, I finally completed my novel. It was a labor of love that explores quality of life, women's decisions regarding family and career, and faith and science. Jamie just took it to FedEx to send to one of my favorite people in the world, Sam Greenberg, to edit. Now begins the process of trying to land a literary agent. Writing the novel was the easy part...