Thursday, March 28, 2019

Surrender brings Freedom

Bethel music produced a song, "No Longer Slaves," with the powerful bridge, "You split the sea so I could walk right through it." This alludes to Moses, in the Old Testament, leading the Hebrew people away from being slaves in Egypt to the Promised Land. In Exodus 14, which is part of the Jewish Torah, the Christian Bible and the Quran, the story of Moses and the Red Sea portrays how Moses led the Hebrew slaves across the Red Sea by holding up his staff and parting the waters so they could pass safely as they escaped hundreds of years of slavery in Egypt.

The chorus of Bethel's song sings, "I'm no longer a slave to fear." Followed by the bridge, "You split the sea..."

This isn't just about rescue or freedom. It isn't about outright deliverance from difficulty, pain or drowning. It's about a path through the difficulty, pain and situations that engulf us in wave after wave of seemingly endless turmoil. When each day, each moment aches with an endless purgatory with no respite. No hope. Those moments when just as we reach the surface and grasp for air, another wave slams overhead and pushes us back beneath the surface.

In those moments, there is a power, a force that splits the sea. We can't escape the sea because we're in the middle of it, surrounded by the difficulty, pain, disease, hurt. There's no easy exit. But there is a way through it. A way to walk on dry land while the waves crest above us, hovering--threatening to crash down and consume us. We--like Moses--simply need to stretch out our hands and surrender to the power that will split the sea.